A girl with a 46,X,t(X;21) (q13.3;p11.1) karyotype presented with skin
redundancy, especially in the neck, prominent occiput and micrognathi
a, and later developed hypotonia, hypopigmentation, sparse scalp hair,
and profound mental retardation characteristic of Menkes disease. Her
serum copper (14 mu g/dl) and ceruloplasmin (9 mg/dl) levels were ext
remely low. Fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis with a 100-kb P
1-derived artificial chromosome probe containing the Menkes disease ge
ne demonstrated three twin-signals, one on the normal X chromosome and
one each on derivative chromosomes X and 21, indicating that the Xq13
.3 breakpoint was located within the gene. Replication pattern analysi
s showed that the normal X chromosome was late replicating, whereas th
e derivative X chromosome was selectively early replicating, These res
ults indicated that Menkes disease in our patient resulted from a de n
ovo translocation that disrupts the disease gene. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss,