This study discusses the relationship between fatal accidents in the w
orkplace and certain macro-structural features of production life in F
inland during the period from 1977 to 1991. The fatality rate was stud
ied in relation to variables describing economic activity and the freq
uency of non-fatal accidents. Construction and manufacturing were stud
ied separately According to the results the relationship between fatal
and non-fatal accidents was reverse, in the case of construction, in
a statistically significant way. In the construction industry the fata
lity rate increased with declining number of cubic metres under constr
uction. The results did not lend support to pro-cyclic approximations
of the relation between business cycles and fatal accidents, but suppo
rted the hypothesis of the different causation of different accident t
ypes. On the other hand, in the case of non-fatal accidents, the socia
l construction of accident statistics must also be taken into account.
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