Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of essential oils of plant Thym
us daensis, Artemisia absintium, Matricaria chamommilla, Melissa offic
inalis and Allium sativum (garlic) against Listeria monocytogenes type
4a using tube dilution technique and agar disk diffusion,method were
studied. In tube dilution technique the concentration of each oil teas
estimated in v/v units. The results showed that the MIC values for T.
daensis, A. absintium, M. chamommilla, M, officinalis and A. sativum,
were 1:6400, 1:1280, 1:1280, 1:2560 and 1:1280, respectively. In agar
disk diffusion test, the zone of inhibition were 25, 9, 10, 10 and 15
nm, respectively, The results showed that the antilisteric activities
of essential oils of T. daensis and M. officinalis were superior than
that of other essential oils.