Hot carrier instabilities in poly-Si thin film transistors (TFTs) are
caused by high electric fields at the drain. These high fields are det
ermined mainly by the abruptness of the lateral n(+) doping profile in
the drain and the two-dimensional (2D) coupling of the x and y compon
ents of the electric field between the gate and drain. The density of
trapping states in the poly-Si film. however, has a much less signific
ant impact on the field. Further. it is shown that improving the prope
rties of the poly-Si film tends to have an adverse affect on hot carri
er stability. Consequently, it is concluded that drain field relief is
essential for hot carrier stability of n-channel poly-Si TFTs. it is
shown that gate overlapped lightly doped drain (GOLDD) architectures c
an be used to relieve the drain field without introducing series resis
tance. Stable TFTs have been fabricated with GOLDD, consistent with ci
rcuit operation up to drain biases of 20 V. GOLDD is also effective in
reducing the field enhanced leakage current in the off-state.