The program COUPLE combines simulators for optical performance, mechan
ical reliability, and production cost under a graphical-user interface
to design, simulate, and evaluate micro-optomechanical structures. Th
e thermal simulator predicts the package temperature distribution on t
he basis of the materials and the geometry as well as on heat sources,
sinks, and boundary conditions. The thermal distribution is input to
the mechanical simulator, which calculates the stresses or strains and
displacements caused by differential thermal expansion. The optical s
imulator predicts the impact on the optical efficiency and the cross t
alk of mechanical and optical parameter variations such as solder heig
hts, misalignments, and wavelength distributions. The cost simulator r
epresents the manufacturing process dow and calculates the final cost
and the cost sensitivity on basis of the cost and the yield of each pr
ocess step. By means of balancing detector and coupling yield, cosimul
ation from optical to cost domains determines the optimum detector siz
e to produce the lowest-cost transceiver module. (C) 1998 Optical Soci
ety of America.