Individually distinct communication signals ('signatures') have been d
ocumented in a variety of taxa across signal modalities and they serve
a host of important functions. However, studies have rarely examined
the temporal stability of these signals. Cooperatively breeding specie
s, such as marmosets and tamarins, are characterized by long-term grou
p membership, complex social organization, and high levels of interind
ividual coordination of behaviour. These social attributes may promote
complex, individually distinct and stable acoustic signals to facilit
ate the expression of cooperative behaviour. In this study, the long c
alls of socially housed individual Wied's black tufted-ear marmosets,
Callithrix kuhli, were examined for a 'signature system' potentially i
mportant in such interactions. Vocalizations were recorded at three di
fferent times (1993, 1995, 1996), digitized, and then measured by spec
trographic analysis. Acoustic and temporal features of the calls were
examined, including number of syllables, length of syllables, intersyl
lable interval, frequency range, start/stop frequency, peak frequency,
and total call duration. A number of significant intra-individual cha
nges in acoustic parameters were identified across the recording perio
ds. Discriminant analysis revealed that many variables contributed to
differentiation among individuals, and average classification accuracy
for calls within a given year was high, ranging from 91.7 % to 93.5 %
. However, reclassification accuracy for calls between-years was much
poorer, averaging less than 50 %. In addition, classification confiden
ce was higher for within-year scores in contrast to the between-year v
alues. Thus, tufted-ear marmosets have an individually distinct vocali
zation which is acoustically modified across time. Our finding suggest
s that to the extent that the vocalization is used for individual reco
gnition, recognition mechanisms must be modified over time as well.