We studied PTEN/MMAC1, a newly discovered candidate tumor suppressor g
ene at 10q23.3, for mutations in lung cancer. One hundred and thirty-s
ix lung cancer cell line DNAs (66 small cell lung cancers, SCLC, 61 no
n-small cell lung cancers, NSCLC, four mesotheliomas, five extrapulmon
ary small cell cancers) were analysed for PTEN/MMAC1 homozygous deleti
ons and five (8%) SCLC lines showed homozygous deletions interrupting
the PTEN/MMAC1 gene. Using single stranded conformation polymorphism (
SSCP) analysis, we screened the PTEN/MMAC1 open reading frame of 53 lu
ng cancer cell line cDNAs for point mutations and found that 3/35 SCLC
s and 3/18 NSCLCs contained homozygous amino acid sequence altering mu
tations. Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of the PTEN/M
MAC1 gene was considerably lower in all the tumor cell lines with poin
t mutations while no expression was detected for cell lines with PTEN/
MMAC1 homozygous deletions. Mutation analysis of 22 uncultured, microd
issected, primary SCLC tumors and metastases showed two silent mutatio
ns, and two apparent homozygous deletions. We also discovered a proces
sed pseudogene (PTEN2) which has 98.5% nt identity to PTEN/MMAC1, that
needs to be accounted for in cDNA mutation analysis, Our findings sug
gest that genetic abnormalities of the PTEN/MMAC1 gene are only involv
ed in a relatively small subset of lung cancers.