Some children respond to social rejection in ways that undermine their
relationships, whereas others respond with more equanimity. This arti
cle reports 3 studies that test the proposition that rejection sensiti
vity-the disposition to defensively (i.e., anxiously or angrily) expec
t, readily perceive, and overreact to social rejection-helps explain i
ndividual differences in response to social rejection. Data were from
urban, minority (primarily Hispanic and African American) fifth to sev
enth graders. Study 1 describes the development of a measure of reject
ion sensitivity for children. Study 2 provides experimental evidence t
hat children who angrily expected rejection showed heightened distress
following an ambiguously intentioned rejection by a peer. Study 3 sho
ws that rejection sensitive children behaved more aggressively and exp
erienced increased interpersonal difficulties and declines in academic
functioning over time.