Nine turkey flecks with basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, sugg
estive of adenovirus, within the epithelial cells of the tracheal muco
sa were studied. Respiratory signs and increased mortality occurred in
turkeys between 6 and 10 wk of age from nine commercial turkey meat f
locks in central California. Necropsy findings included tracheitis and
occasional mild sinusitis. Histopathology of the tracheas revealed ep
ithelial deciliation, squamous metaplasia, large basophilic intranucle
ar inclusion bodies within epithelial cells, and lymphoplasmatic infla
mmation in the mucosa. Electron microscopy of the mucosa revealed hexa
gonal viral particles, approximately 73 nm in diameter consistent with
adenovirus within the nuclei of epithelial cells. All tracheal sectio
ns were negative for adenovirus group II by specific immunoperoxidase
staining. Adenovirus group I was isolated from the trachea. In additio
n, Bordetella avium, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, and Klebsiella p
neumoniae were isolated from the tracheas of three, three, and two flo
cks, respectively. Statistically greater total mortality and a smaller
percentage of marketed turkeys were observed in the submitted flocks
than in randomly selected flocks. No significant difference was observ
ed between the two turkey groups in market weight, feed conversion, or
percentage of grade ''A'' turkeys.