Two characteristic interneuron types in the hippocampus, the so-called
hilar perforant path-associated cells in the dentate gyrus and stratu
m oriens/lacunosum-moleculare neurons in the CA3 and CA1 regions, were
suggested to be involved in feedback circuits. In the present study,
interneurons identical to these cell populations were visualized by so
matostatin-immunostaining, then reconstructed, and processed for doubl
e-immunostaining and electron microscopy to establish their postsynapt
ic target selectivity. A combination of somatostatin-immunostaining wi
th immunostaining for GABA or other interneuron markers revealed a qua
si-random termination pattern. The vast majority of postsynaptic targe
ts were GABA-negative dendritic shafts and spines of principal cells (
76%), whereas other target elements contained GABA (8%). All of the ex
amined neurochemically defined interneuron types (parvalbumin-, calret
inin-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, cholecystokinin-, substance
P receptor-immunoreactive neurons) received innervation from somatost
atin-positive boutons. Recent anatomical and electrophysiological data
showed that the main excitatory inputs of somatostalin-positive inter
neurons originate from local principal cells. The present data reveale
d a massive GABAergic innervation of distal dendrites of local princip
al cells by these feedback driven neurons, which are proposed to contr
ol the efficacy and plasticity of entorhinal synaptic input as a funct
ion of local principal cell activity and synchrony. (C) 1998 IBRO. Pub
lished by Elsevier Science Ltd.