Carbon disulfide toxicity is well characterized. The principal target
organ is the nervous system, although cardiovascular, reproductive, op
hthalmologic, and other effects are also recognized. The neurotoxicity
manifests in three ways: encephalopathy, peripheral and cranial nerve
dysfunction, and movement abnormalities. This report describes a case
of olivopontocerebellar atrophy, a form of multiple system atrophy, d
eveloping in an adult after over 30 years of occupational exposure to
carbon disulfide. The patient presented with the insidious onset of ba
lance problems, impotence, and irritability, without tremor, cogwheel
rigidity, bradykinesia, or changes in facial expression. Over the next
few years severe ataxia developed, and the clinical diagnosis was con
firmed with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans.
The patient experienced multiple medical complications and died approx
imately 9 years after diagnosis. This case is consistent with a large
body of clinical and experimental literature, much of it 50 years old,
showing that carbon disulfide can cause movement disorders. It also s
erves as a reminder that movement disorders, ranging from parkinsonism
to dystonia, are associated,vith a variety of toxic exposures such as
manganese, carbon monoxide, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrid
ine and medications.