Robot soccer competition provides an excellent opportunity for integra
ted robotics research. In particular, robot players in a soccer game m
ust recognize and track objects in real time, navigate in a dynamic fi
eld, collaborate with teammates, and strike the ball in the correct di
rection. All these tasks demand robots that are autonomous (sensing, t
hinking, and acting as independent creatures), efficient (functioning
under time and resource constraints), cooperative (collaborating with
each other to accomplish tasks that are beyond an individual's capabil
ities), and intelligent (reasoning and planning actions and perhaps le
arning from experience). Furthermore, all these capabilities must be i
ntegrated into a single and complete system, which raises a set of cha
llenges that are new to individual research disciplines. This article
describes our experience (problems and solutions) in these aspects. Ou
r robots share the same general architecture and basic hardware, but t
hey have integrated abilities to play different roles (goalkeeper, def
ender, or forward) and use different strategies in their behavior. Our
philosophy in building these robots is to use the least sophisticatio
n to make them as robust and integrated as possible. At RoboCup-97, he
ld as part of the Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artifici
al Intelligence, these integrated robots performed well, and our DREAM
TEAM won the world championship in the middle-size robot league.