Solvated metal atoms were obtained by cocondensation of metals and mon
omers at 77 K. Stable colloids were formed upon warming. Several collo
ids using iron and nickel have been prepared with the following monome
rs: styrene, methyl methacrylate, ethyl methacrylate and butyl methacr
ylate. The colloids were polymerized with two different initiators, be
nzoyl peroxide (BPO) and 2,2'-bis-azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN). The meta
l clusters should be stabilized by styrene between the aromatic ring a
nd the vinyl group, and in the acrylate series between the vinyl and t
he carbonyl group. The yields of the polymers of Ni-styrene and Fe-sty
rene range from 10-70% and the molecular weights range from 10.000 to
250.000, even higher than the homopolymer. Electron micrographs were o
btained by a Jeol JEM 1200 EX II with 4 Angstrom resolution, for the c
olloids and the polymers. The colloids exhibited a smaller particle si
ze than the metal clusters in the polymers. The styrene with either Fe
or Ni clusters should be around 100 Angstrom colloidal sizes. A drama
tic increase in the polymer was observed. Very big clusters in the dop
e polyacrylate were found. During polymerization particle size growing
and size increase were observed.