Insulin resistance is characterized by impaired responsiveness to endo
genous or exogenous insulin and often results in the insulin resistanc
e syndrome, a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors that includes
abdominal obesity hypertension, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, and
hyperinsulinemia. Although the mechanism responsible for insulin resi
stance has not been completely defined, it is likely due to defective
insulin receptor signaling and results in decreased use of glucose. Tr
oglitazone, the first in a new class of drugs, directly decreases insu
lin resistance by improving insulin-mediated glucose disposal and redu
ces plasma insulin concentrations. Glycemic control achieved with trog
litazone monotherapy is equivalent to that with sulfonylurea and metfo
rmin, and when combined with these agents offers additional plasma glu
cose reduction. Studies are necessary to determine the effect of thiaz
olidinediones on morbidity and mortality of patients with type 2 diabe
tes and insulin resistance.