Several medicines an emerging with the potential to treat symptomatic
uterine fibroids. Anti-progesterone compounds seem particularly promis
ing. These drugs have been widely used for nearly 20 years and are kno
wn to be safe; medical politics have prevented their proper investigat
ion for uterine fibroids. In particular, the value of mifepristone, 50
mg per day for 3 months, seems particularly promising. Further invest
igation is clearly warranted for this medicine. Several anti-oestrogen
compounds have recently become available and may also be useful for t
he medical treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. This includes th
e possibility of the use of selective oestrogen receptor modulators as
well as the prospect of the use of pure anti-oestrogens. On a longer
time frame, inhibitors of angiogenesis may be useful. These medicines
would act upon the blood supply to uterine fibroids. Physicians also h
ave an obligation to investigate scientifically any promising naturopa
thic treatment that appears to have possible activity for symptomatic