As part of a large population-based study of hearing and aging, ultra
high-frequency (9-20 kHz) threshold measures are reported For 3396 par
ticipants grouped by age (48-59 years, n = 1233; 60-69 years, n = 1031
; 70-79 years, n = 851; 80-92 years, n = 281). Ultra high-frequency (U
HF) thresholds were higher for older age groups. The percentage of unm
easurable responses also was significantly higher for older age groups
and for higher frequencies in the UHF range. The observed age effects
remained significant after adjusting For gender. In general, UHF thre
sholds were significantly higher For men compared to those for women a
t lower UHF frequencies (9-14 kHz), but were not significantly differe
nt by gender for the highest UHF frequencies (16, 18, and 20 kHz). Aft
er accounting For hearing loss at traditional audiometric frequencies
(250-8000 Hz), the age effect still remained; even for comparable degr
ees of sensorineural hearing loss, participants in older age groups ev
idenced higher UHF thresholds.