The paper is dedicated to the analysis of the results of the Slovak cu
rrency policy in the years 1993-1998, and to the open problems of its
future development. The experience from the currency development of th
e Slovak Republic confirms that the currency policy of the transformin
g economy has to start from the real conditions of the relevant period
, and objectives to be achieved. As both these factors change, the pol
icy should react to these changes and adapt itself to them. The experi
ence of the development in Slovakia has confirmed the fact that up to
now even without more drastic monetary measures the real economy achie
ved relatively good results, which by GDP growth and inflation decreas
e tin 1997 inflation stood at a mere 6.4%) widened manoeuvring room fo
r monetary policy. Various developments in the years 1993-1998 show th
at after the successful managing of the currency stabilizing phase, pr
oblems appeared above all in the years 1996-1997 in the attempt to acc
omplish certain development objectives in the changeover from restrict
ive, anti-inflationary oriented policy towards more active development
currency and credit policy. In this aspect the development in the Cze
ch Republic earn be a suitable lesson, as a similar, earlier process h
as taken place there. The evaluation of the Czech currency crisis in t
he year 1997 demonstrated above all the fact that its origins rested m
ainly in serious macro and microeconomic structural and institutional
problems which obstruct solution of this crisis and create the continu
ing possibility of its relapse. At the same time it was confirmed that
the results of currency policy are influenced more than in standard m
arket economies also by extra-economy factors. The achievement of the
currency objective of the economic policy is thus conditioned above al
l by the process in which the whole system in its basic relations crea
tes conditions for the rational use of money in macroeconomic policy.
From the facts stated above, it follows that in the Slovak Republic lo
ng term stabilization and strengthening off;he Slovak currency, defenc
e against inflationary tendencies and consolidation of internal and ex
ternal currency balance, continue to remain an important currency obje
ctive. On the other side the experience from the Czech Republic indica
tes that, in relation to further objectives of economic policy, curren
cy policy cannot be neutral in the sense of supporting solely the stab
ilization monetary objective without the support of economy revival an
d growth. Purely monetary criteria in currency objectives without the
second objective, the long term stabilization of economy growth based
on restructuring, whets successful, have a brief life only, do not fac
ilitate long term currency stabilization and permanently threaten a re
lapse to the deterioration of the internal and external balance. The c
urrency policy approach, respecting the above mentioned dual currency
objectives in the transitional phase of economy transformation, repres
ent a cei tain combination of expansive credit policy and currency-sta
bilizing restrictive fiscal and income policy. In order not to provoke
the relapse of inflationary movement by active currency policy, one h
as to: start to prepare a complex economic programme oof the optimum i
ncorporation of the Slovak economy into the international division of
labour, co-ordinate fiscal and currency as well as credit policies, en
sure consistent economic selection of the allocation of limited moneta
ry resources. The exploitation of credit as a source of an active deve
lopment economic policy demands also an adequate credit policy, High i
nterest rates would retard entrepreneuring, and primarily investment a
ctivity. They would affect particularly unfavourably the development o
f private enterprising and the activities of small and medium enterpri
ses and tradesmen. The unbalance of external economic relations which
originated in the year 1996 by more rapid growth of imports was reflec
ted by the increased trade deficit and increased current account of th
e balance of payments deficit. In spite of this, the state of currency
reserves of the Slovak National Bank did not drop and ensures the cov
erage of a 3.4 multiple of the average monthly import. The total state
of reserves in commercial banks has an increasing trend. Due to the e
xpected restructuring effect of the increased imports, stronger limita
tion of imports, in currency policy at the expense of the restructurin
g rate decrease would lead in the long run to the violation of the ext
ernal balance. As an essential solution one should rather choose the f
aster inflow of foreign investments. On the basis of 6 years experienc
e the author tries in the present paper to suggest some new views conc
erning currency policy during the current economic transformation. At
the same time he assumes that the currency problems discussed here are
not specific only for the Slovak economy, but in the wider context ca
n be meet also in other transforming countries.