T cell development and selection in the thymus are shaped by the induc
tion of apoptosis. However, a direct role in T cell development and se
lection for any of the molecules known to regulate apoptosis has remai
ned controversial. We have studied the effect of bar and bcl-2 transge
nes in recombination activation gene l-deficient (RAG-1(-/-)) mice tra
nsgenic for the major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted F5
T cell receptor. Overexpression of a box transgene in the thymus seri
ously impairs the production of mature T cells, whereas bcl-2 overexpr
ession greatly promotes it. The effect of box and bcl-2 overexpression
on antigen-induced negative selection was studied using fetal thymic
organ cultures. This analysis showed that Bcl-2 strongly inhibits nega
tive selection, whereas Bar does not affect it. Our data directly show
that Bcl-2 family members have specific roles in T cell selection and
also lend support to the hypothesis that Bar and Bcl-2 can antagonize
each other's action in a certain apoptosis pathway while in another t
hey can be functionally nonreciprocal.