This review discusses some of the recent advances in the characterizat
ion of potential vaccine molecules against Schistosoma japonicum, util
izing microscopy and immunocytochemistry methods. Microscopy has demon
strated the stage-specific expression of the muscle protein paramyosin
onto the parasite surface, an important consideration as a vaccine ta
rget. Other potential vaccine component proteins examined include glut
athione S-transferase (GST) and fatty acid binding protein (FABP); alt
hough not associated with the adult parasite surface, their localizati
on to internal structures such as lipid droplets and regions of the fe
male reproductive system have presided valuable insights into the biol
ogy of the parasite. Localization of the transport protein SGTP (schis
tosome glucose transporter protein) has demonstrated that the protein
is more prevalent in the juvenile stages of the parasite development.
This further highlights the diversity of the parasite life cycle. Usin
g both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, the loca
lization of a number of schistosome proteins has demonstrated the func
tions and significance of these proteins within the parasite. Molecula
r localization studies are crucial in understanding how and when a Vac
cine may work against the organism and may provide insights into which
can be used in the design of future vaccines. Microsc. Res. Tech. 42:
176-185, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.