The primary all-trans --> 13-cis photoisomerization of retinal in bact
eriorhodopsin has been investigated by means of quantum chemical and c
ombined classical/quantum mechanical simulations employing the density
matrix evolution method. Ab initio calculations on an analog of a pro
tonated Schiff base of retinal in vacuo reveal two excited states S-1
and S-2, the potential surfaces of which intersect along the reaction
coordinate through an avoided crossing, and then exhibit a second, wea
kly avoided, crossing or a conical intersection with the ground state
surface. The dynamics governed by the three potential surfaces, scaled
to match the in situ level spacings and represented through analytica
l functions, are described by a combined classical/quantum mechanical
simulation. For a choice of nonadiabatic coupling constants close to t
he quantum chemistry calculation results, the simulations reproduce th
e observed photoisomerization quantum yield and predict the time neede
d to pass the avoided Grossing region between S-1 and S-2 states at ta
u(1) = 330 fs and the S-1 --> ground state crossing at tau(2) = 460 fs
after light absorption. The first crossing follows after a 30 degrees
torsion on a flat S, surface, and the second crossing follows after a
rapid torsion by a further 60 degrees. tau(1) matches the observed fl
uorescence lifetime of S-1. Adjusting the three energy levels to the s
pectral shift of D85N and D212N mutants of bacteriorhodospin changes t
he crossing region of S-1 and S-2 and leads to an increase in tau(1) b
y factors 17 and 10, respectively, in qualitative agreement with the o
bserved increase in fluorescent lifetimes.