Micron-sized particles of gallium nitride were synthesized at temperat
ures as low as 300 degrees C under ammonia in anhydrous conditions. Tw
o different syntheses were investigated: compound 1 was synthesized us
ing a physical mixture of gallium and lithium under flowing ammonia; c
ompound 2 was synthesized using a gallium/lithium alloy under flowing
ammonia. These two methods relied on the presence of lithium metal act
ing as a nitrogen-fixing and transport agent for metallic gallium. Pow
der X-ray diffraction demonstrated the purity and crystalline nature o
f the resulting white gallium nitride; it was found to exhibit extraor
dinary crystallinity considering its formation conditions. Elemental a
nalysis also determined the purity of 1 and 2 and showed an absence of
the lithium impurity in the former, as contrasted with 0.23% Li in th
e latter. SEM demonstrated the particle sizes of 1 and 2 to be on the
micron scale.