Nitric oxide (NO), an endogenous free radical, has been implicated in
a wide range of biological functions. NO is generated enzymatically fr
om the terminal guanidinonitrogen of L-arginine by nitric oxide syntha
se (NOS). Despite intensive investigations, the role of NO - either as
the primary product of the L-arginine/NOS pathway or provided from th
e NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) - in carcinogenesis and tumour c
ell growth remains unclear and controversial. The objective of this st
udy was to examine the growth effects of NO on a ductal pancreatic ade
nocarcinoma in the rat and on a human pancreatic tumour cell line (HA-
hpc(2)). In vivo, both SNP and endogenous induction of NO by endotoxin
s [lipopolysaccharide (LPS)] plus L-arginine significantly reduced the
tumour growth. To investigate the mechanisms of NO anti-tumour growth
action, the effects of either the SNP or L-arginine/NOS pathway were
analysed on the HA-hpc, cell line. Nitrite/nitrate production, NOS act
ivity and iNOS expression [assessed by reverse transcription-polymeras
e chain reaction (RT-PCR)] were tested and related to growth (assessed
by [H-3]thymidine incorporation assay) and apoptosis (assessed by int
ernucleosomal DNA cleavage). SNP exerted a dual effect on tumour cells
: stimulation of the proliferation up to 1 mM and inhibition at higher
concentrations. These effects were related to NO production. Both pro
liferative and cytostatic responses were inhibited by NO scavenger nyl
-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-hemidazoline-1-oxyl3-oxide (carboxy-PTIO). The ma
rked apoptotic DNA fragmentation induced by SNP was also abolished by
PTIO association. Unlike macrophages, the human pancreatic tumour cell
s did not seem to express intrinsically the L-arginine/NOS pathway. Ma
crophages were activated by HA-hpc, cells as well as by LPS plus cytok
ines [interleukin (IL)-1 beta plus tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha
and interferon (IFN)-gamma]. In HA-hpc(2)/macrophage co-cultures, NOS
activity and inducible NOS (iNOS) transcription were stimulated, where
as an antiproliferative response was observed. These effects were rela
ted to both macrophage amount and NO production. Addition of LPS plus
cytokines to cc-cultures doubled iNOS activity, nitrite/nitrate produc
tion and tumoricidal effect. These data suggest the involvement of NO
in pancreatic tumour growth and support the fact that generation of hi
gh levels of NO with potential production of endogenous reactive nitro
gen intermediates may contribute to induction of apoptosis and tumour
growth inhibition.