The tensile yield and post yield behavior of polycarbonate (PC) are ex
amined by means of a new experimental device, based on a noncontact me
asurement of the deformation. This method has the advantage of a detai
led measurement of the deformation along the gauge length, which leads
to the construction of the true stress-strain curves of the material
tested. Especially in the case of nonuniform deformation, where neck i
nitiation and neck propagation occurs, the correct description of the
intrinsic response of the material requires true stress-strain plots.
A viscoplastic model based on the fundamental assumptions of Eyring is
used to describe the yield and post-yield behavior of PC. The strain
softening is attributed to a relaxation mechanism that was introduced
in previous treatments, and this effect is supported by DSC tests. The
theoretical results are compared with the results obtained by an elas
to-plastic model, developed elsewhere, and it is shown that the materi
al follows a viscoplastic path in this deformation procedure.