Patients with severe depression are often at risk of suicide, and many
antidepressant medications are used, either alone or in combination w
ith other substances, to attempt suicide. Drug overdoses involving ant
idepressants are known to result in significant medical costs to the h
ealthcare system. The medical costs associated with an antidepressant
drug overdose depend on the class and toxicity of the antidepressant a
nd possible co-ingestants. Although selective serotonin (5-hydroxytryp
tamine; 5-HT) reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other newer antidepressa
nts are less toxic than older agents such as tricyclic antidepressants
(TCAs) when taken alone in suicide attempts, when combined with alcoh
ol (ethanol) and other medications, overdoses with SSRIs result in med
ical treatment and costs that are comparable with those associated wit
h overdoses involving TCAs and multiple co-ingestants. However, studie
s indicate that overdoses involving single SSRIs have significantly lo
wer medical costs compared with overdoses involving single TCAs. Compr
ehensive, prospective pharmacoeconomic studies of the costs associated
with antidepressant overdoses and more information on the costs assoc
iated with outpatient care and lost productivity due to such overdoses
are required.