Partially purified blackspot pigments from potato tubers (Solanum tube
rosum L.) of two commercial cultivars were subjected to a microassay f
or melanin, which consisted of specific chemical degradation and subse
quent HPLC analysis. Permanganate oxidation yielded pyrrole-2,3,5-tric
arboxylic acid, whereas hydrolysis in hydriodic acid liberated aminohy
droxyphenylalanine isomers. These results indicate that the polymeric
pigments, which have previously been found to contain a protein matrix
, carry crosslinked 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid and benzothi
azine units. This leads to the conclusion that free tyrosine and free
cysteine are incorporated in the proteinaceous pigments via the polyph
enol oxidase catalysed pathway of melanogenesis in the process of blac
kspot formation. The findings are in accordance with the hypothesis th
at the process of blackspot formation is a non-regulated cascade of re
actions in disintegrated tuber cells, rather than a finely tuned biosy
nthesis. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.