The rates for symmetry-species conversion of CD3 groups are calculated
using a model in which the interaction between the quadrupolar moment
of the deuterons with electric-field gradient at the site of the nucl
eus causes symmetry-changing transitions. Just the same phonons are co
nsidered for energy conservation as are used to describe the temperatu
re dependence of inelastic neutron scattering experiments. For the con
version rate, a similar temperature dependence is found as has already
been obtained for CH3. For temperatures around the tunnelling energy,
a behaviour is predicted for CD3 that is different from the behaviour
in protonated systems according to all theories known to us. In compa
rison with the corresponding protonated species embedded in the same s
urroundings, the conversion rate at elevated temperatures turns out to
be larger by orders of magnitude. Only the low-temperature conversion
mte is suppressed owing to the lack of resonance phonons at the usual
ly smaller tunnelling frequency in CD3. The relative increase of the c
onversion rate with deuteration due to Raman processes is predicted to
be independent of temperature but strongly dependent on the height of
die orientational potential in the case of shallow potentials. If the
tunnelling energy is smaller than 25 mueV, the conversion rates incre
ase by a constant factor of approximately 10 compared to the protonate
d species at a given temperature.