Pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy involves not only cellular growt
h but also reexpression of an extensive ''fetal'' program of cardiac-s
pecific genes, providing an intriguing system in which to explore mole
cular signals which transduce altered load. Fibroblast and transformin
g growth factors are representative of trophic polypeptides produced b
y myocardium, which are regulated during cardiac morphogenesis and ind
uced by myocardial ischemia, infarction, and load. Growth factors prov
oke a pattern of gene expression in cultured cardiac myocytes resembli
ng pressure overload in vivo, implying a possible autocrine or paracri
ne model of cardiac hypertrophy. Growth-factor inducible cellular onco
genes are also expressed in myocardium, upregulated by hemodynamic loa
d, and encode proteins which modulate the cardiac phenotype, in keepin
g with a possible functional role in growth factor and load-induced in
tracellular signalling. Demonstration of physiologic implications of g
rowth factor and cellular oncogene expression in the heart awaits appl
ication of new technologies in molecular genetics and could herald nov
el therapeutic interventions for myocardial disease.