Scientists have been measuring energy expenditure by using gas exchang
e for the past 200 y. This technique is based on earlier work in the 1
660s. Gas exchange in respirometers provides accurate and repeatable m
easures of resting metabolic rate. However, it is impossible to duplic
ate in a respirometry chamber the diversity of human behaviors that in
fluence energy expenditure. The doubly labeled water technique is an i
sotope-based method that measures the energy expenditure of unencumber
ed subjects from the divergence in enrichments of 2 isotopic labels in
body water-1 of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen. The method was invented in
the 1950s and applied to small animals only until the early 1980s, mos
tly because of the expense. Since 1982, when the first study in humans
was published, its use has expanded enormously. Although there is som
e debate over the precise calculation protocols that should be used, t
he differences between alternative calculations result in relatively m
inor effects on total energy expenditure estimates (approximate to 6%)
. Validation studies show that for groups of subjects the method works
well, but that precision is still relatively poor (8-9%) and conseque
ntly the method is not yet sufficiently refined to provide estimates o
f individual energy expenditures.