The spatial distribution of chemical elements in the ocean is controll
ed by particles (including organisms); aggregation controls the partic
le properties. Coagulation is an important mechanism for controlling t
he size of marine particles and thereby their transport properties. Co
agulation theory has provided a framework for the calculation of aggre
gation rates and size distributions. The use of fractal scaling to rel
ate aggregate length to mass has been an important development that st
ill needs to be fully incorporated into mathematical expressions for p
article collision rates. In addition, disaggregation has emerged as an
important process that is poorly described mathematically. Observatio
ns of particle spectra in the ocean are in general agreement with thos
e expected for coagulation processes but tend to be for too small a si
ze range to include the effects of particle disaggregation. Analysis o
f material caught in sediment traps suggests that aggregates are the d
ominant form of material falling through the ocean. An important aspec
t of the marine system is the presence of multiple particle sources th
at can confound fractal scaling based on single source particles. Coup
led coagulation and chemical reaction models have become important too
ls in the interpretation of Th distributions. Further development of c
oagulation theory to describe marine systems promises to push the limi
ts of our understanding of coagulation processes and their implication