It is well known that renal hypertrophy is induced by hyperthyroidism;
however, the mechanism is not fully understood. We recently reported
that cardiac hypertrophy in hyperthyroidism is mediated by enhanced ca
rdiac expression of renin mRNA. The present study addresses the hypoth
esis that renal hypertrophy in hyperthyroidism is mediated by amplific
ation of renal expression of renin mRNA. Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats we
re divided into control (n = 5) and hyperthyroid groups by daily intra
peritoneal injections of saline vehicle or thyroxine. The hyperthyroid
-vehicle (n = 5), hyperthyroid-losartan (n = 5), and hyperthyroid-nica
rdipine (n = 5) groups by daily intraperitoneal injections of saline v
ehicle, losartan, or nicardipine. All rats were killed at 4 weeks, and
the blood and kidneys were collected. The kidney-to-body weight ratio
increased in the hyperthyroid groups (+34%). Radio-immunoassays and r
everse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction revealed increased rena
l renin (+91%) and angiotensin II (+65%) levels and enhanced renal ren
in mRNA expression (+113%) in the hyperthyroid groups. Losartan and ni
cardipine decreased systolic blood pressure to the same extent, but on
ly losartan caused regression of thyroxine-induced renal hypertrophy.
These results suggest that thyroid hormone activates the intrarenal re
nin-angiotensin system via enhancement if renal renin mRNA expression,
which then leads to renal hypertrophy.