Fertile fern foliage described as Lophosoria cupulatus so. nov, contai
ns the distinctive spore Cyatheacidites annulatus. The fossil foliage
is morphologically similar to the Early Cretaceous form-genera Gleiche
nites and Microphyllopteris, whose time and space distribution in Gond
wana matches that of the dispersed spore Cyatheacidites. Some of the C
retaceous southern hemisphere material assigned to Gleichenites and Mi
crophyllopteris is probably allied to families such as the Lophosoriac
eae rather than the Gleicheniaceae as had been previously supposed. Th
e nearest living relative, Lophosoria quadripinnata, grows within a me
an annual temperature range of 8-22 degrees C, and a mean annual preci
pitation range of 195-1977 mm. The presence of Lophosoria cupulatus at
palaeolatitudes of 55-65 degrees S implies that during the Aptian the
southern high latitudes were a minimum of 12 degrees C warmer than th
e present day.