Helicobacter pylori is classified by IARC/WHO as a definite human gast
ric carcinogen, despite ''inadequate experimental evidence.'' To obtai
n direct evidence concerning this relationship, we investigated the hi
stopathological findings of gastric mucosa using a model of H. pylori
infection in Mongolian gerbils, The animals were challenged p.o. with
H. pylori ATCC-43504 and sacrificed at 6, 12, and 18 months after inoc
ulation for histological examination. All inoculated animals were infe
cted with H, pylori, Severe infiltration of the lamina propria by poly
morphonuclear and mononuclear cells appeared in the lesser curvature o
f the antrum, with an increase in epithelial cell proliferation, and t
he infiltration extended to the body. Atrophic gastritis and focal int
estinal metaplasia also appeared in the lesser curvature of the antral
mucosa at 6 months after inoculation. Intestinal metaplasia became se
vere, with dysplasia, after that, At 18 months after H. pylori inocula
tion, two of five infected animals showed three well-differentiated ga
stric cancers, The uninfected control animals showed no abnormal findi
ngs throughout the entire observation period. Here, it was confirmed t
hat H, pylori infection alone causes gastric cancer in an animal model