We study the maximal number of edges a C-2k-free subgraph of a random
graph Gn,p may have, obtaining best possible results for a. range of p
= p(n). Our estimates strengthen previous bounds of Furedi [12] and Ha
xell, Kohayakawa, and Luczak [13]. Two main tools are used here: the f
irst one is an upper bound for the number of graphs with large even-gi
rth, i.e., graphs without short even cycles, with a given number of ve
rtices and edges, and satisfying a certain additional pseudorandom con
dition; the second tool is the powerful result of Ajtai, Komlos, Pintz
;, Spencer, and Szemeredi [1] on uncrowded hypergraphs as given by Duk
e, Lefmann, and Rodl [7].