The growth of molecular diagnostics and its application in various cli
nical laboratories have made it necessary to standardize the methods u
sed to freeze and store tissues used in molecular testing. It may now
be advantageous to preserve fresh tissues and other specimen types in
a central frozen-tissue bank so that sample preparation and storage co
nditions are appropriate for molecular applications and so that the sp
ecimen inventory can be efficiently managed. The pathology laboratory
is a logical site for this facility because the professional and techn
ical expertise available is focused on the complex scientific and regu
latory aspects of laboratory medicine. Organizationally, the tissue-ba
nk program should be overseen by a surgical pathologist to integrate i
t into routine surgical pathology activities. A member of the laborato
ry technical staff can serve as the tissue-bank coordinator with respo
nsibility for systematic storage and retrieval of specimens and routin
e maintenance of equipment and supplies. To facilitate the tissue-free
zing procedure and efficient storage of multiple types of specimens, 2
.0 ml cryogenic vials are used as the uniform storage container. All s
pecimens are stored at -140 to -150 degrees C in the vapor phase of li
quid nitrogen. The specimen inventory data are maintained with a compu
terized program specifically designed to manage complex specimen stora
ge. A frozen-tissue bank is easily implemented in a pathology laborato
ry and is a valuable institutional asset for diagnostic and research p