Objective and Design: Some surgeons consider excisional biopsy with gr
oss negative margins to be adequate surgical therapy for breast carcin
omas, if followed by axillary dissection and radiation. To test our hy
pothesis that breast carcinoma necessitates planned operation, we revi
ewed the incidence of residual cancer tissue (RCT) and the significanc
e of positive margins following excisional breast biopsy and segmentec
tomy. Setting, Patients, and Intervention/Outcome Measures: Using the
clinical database of our multidisciplinary cancer center, we examined
the tumor status of segmentectomy specimens from 375 patients treated
for breast carcinoma during the past 10 years. All patients underwent
excisional biopsy of the tumor mass before definitive treatment with s
egmentectomy and axillary dissection. Median follow-up was 32 months.
Results: The 284 patients (76%) whose segmentectomy specimens containe
d residual tumor (RCT-positive patients) had a larger median tumor dia
meter than RCT-negative patients (2 vs 1 cm, P<.01). Patients with tum
or-positive axillary lymph nodes were more likely to be RCT positive (
P<.001). Tumors of RCT-positive patients were more frequently identifi
ed by physical examination, whereas those of RCT-negative patients wer
e more frequently identified by mammography (P<.001). Overall recurren
ce rate was 7% (26/384). Recurrence-free survival rates were statistic
ally related to tumor status of the segmentectomy margins (P<.025) but
not to RCT in the segmentectomy specimen. Conclusion: Diagnostic brea
st biopsy is not a substitute for planned excision to remove all malig
nant tissue. Anything less than a preconceived surgical procedure may
leave a significant amount of malignant tissue.