The biofouling potential in industrial water systems consists of micro
bial biofilms and nutrients which can be considered as potential bioma
ss. The basic mechanism of biofilm development involves the conversion
of dissolved nutrients into locally accumulated biomass. Biofouling o
ccurs only when the extent of biofilm growth meets a threshold of inte
rference. It is not necessary to kill all biofilms - it is possible to
live with biofilms as long as this operational defined threshold of i
nterference is not exceeded. The concept presented involves a biofilte
r upstream of a system to be protected, As biofilm growth is limited b
y the amount of nutrients available, the growth of biofilms in the bio
filter will occur at the expense of the nutrients determined as biodeg
radable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). Thus, downsteam of the reacto
r the nutrient concentration is reduced and less biofilm develops in s
ystems. This concept has been investigated in an heat exchanger plant
system with RO-systems and proved to be feasible.