Wolbachia are cytoplasmically inherited bacteria capable of altering t
he reproductive biology of their hosts in a manner which increases the
ir spread within a population. These microbes can cause cytoplasmic in
compatibility, parthenogenesis and feminization of genetic males. Beca
use Wolbachia have been associated with female-biased sex ratio distor
tion, we used a PCR assay to examine 17 species of stalk-eyed flies (D
iptera: Diopsidae), two of which exhibit female-biased sex ratios, for
the presence of these microbes. Type A Wolbachia was detected in four
diopsid species, three from the genus Sphyracephala, none of which ex
hibit biased progeny sex ratios. The reproductive effects of the micro
be were examined in one of those species, S. beccarii, by conducting r
eciprocal crosses between infected and uninfected strains. In this spe
cies, Wolbachia do not cause detectable cytoplasmic incompatibility or
reduce host fecundity. In contrast, our results are consistent with a
n association between the microbes and enhanced male fertility. Possib
le explanations for the pattern of distribution and effects on male fe
rtility include a predisposition for acquiring Type A Wolbachia by the
se flics and accommodation by the host genome to bacterial presence.