Eye-head coordination during saccadic gaze shifts normally relies on v
estibular information. A vestibule-saccadic reflex (VSR) is thought to
reduce the eye-in-head saccade to account for current head movement,
and the vestibule-ocular reflex (VOR) stabilizes postsaccadic gaze whi
le the head movement is still going on. Acute bilateral loss of vestib
ular function is known to cause overshoot of gaze saccades and postsac
cadic instability. We asked how patients suffering from chronic vestib
ular loss adapt to this situation. Eye and head movements were recorde
d from six patients and six normal control subjects. Subjects tracked
a random sequence of horizontal target steps, with their heads (1) fix
ed in primary position, (2) free to move, or (3) preadjusted to differ
ent head-to-target offsets (to provoke head movements of different amp
litudes). Patients made later and smaller head movements than normals
and accepted correspondingly larger eye eccentricities. Targeting accu
racy, in terms of the mean of the signed gaze error, was better in pat
ients than in normals. However, unlike in normals, the errors of patie
nts exhibited a large scatter and included many overshoots. These over
shoots cannot be attributed to the loss of VSR because they also occur
red when the head was not moving and were diminished when large head m
ovements were provoked. Patients' postsaccadic stability was, on avera
ge, almost as good as that of normals, but the individual responses ag
ain showed a large scatter. Also, there were many cases of inappropria
te postsaccadic slow eye movements, e.g., in the absence of concurrent
head movements, and correction saccades, e.g., although gaze was alre
ady on target. Performance in patients was affected only marginally wh
en large head movements were provoked. Except for the larger lag of th
e head upon the eye, the temporal coupling of eye and head movements i
n patients was similar to that in normals. Our findings show that pati
ents with chronic vestibular loss regain the ability to make functiona
lly appropriate gaze saccades. We assume, in line with previous work,
three main compensatory mechanisms: a head movement efference copy, an
active cervico-ocular reflex (COR), and a preprogrammed backsliding o
f the eyes. However, the large trial-to-trial variability of targeting
accuracy and postsaccadic stability indicates that the saccadic gaze
system of patients does not regain the high precision that is observed
in normals and which appears to require a vestibular head-in-space si
gnal. Moreover, this variability also permeates their gaze performance
in the absence of head movements.