The present experiment examined whether forgetting of contextual attri
butes-the loss of discriminability of background stimulus features ove
r time-also occurs when a memory remains inaccessible (amnestic) durin
g the retention interval. To examine this issue, rats received an acut
e hypothermia treatment that caused reversible anterograde amnesia for
a passive-avoidance task and were tested I or 7 days later in either
the same or a different context. At the short retention interval, the
subjects discriminated between the contexts, as evidenced by the findi
ng that reversal of amnesia occurred only in the training context. How
ever, at the 7-day interval, recovery of the avoidance response was in
duced in either context, reflecting the forgetting of differentiating
characteristics. These findings indicate that inaccessible memory rema
ins susceptible to processes of modification and distortion that typic
ally influence intact memories.