The U-series component-dating method has been employed to date the sed
iment core B(1)94 from Balikun Lake. Th-230/Th-232 and U-234/Th-232 ra
tios in various components of the samples dissolved in different conce
ntration acids were measured respectively. The results indicate that t
here is a good relationship of the isotopic ratios between the solutio
ns and the residues, and that uranium and thorium isotopic fractionati
ons did not occur during acid leaching. Based on the U-series ages obt
ained by using component-dating method, a 144-ka time sequence was est
ablished corresponding to the upper 25-m interval of the B(1)94 core,
which is in agreement with palaeomagnetic dating results. The fact tha
t the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental record labeled with U-ser
ies ages is correlative with the deep-sea delta(18)O SPECMAP also demo
nstrates that the U-series component-dating method can be used to date
lake sediments.