A 45-year-old African American man presented with a small, solitary, n
onulcerated cutaneous lesion of the right thigh of many years duration
, which was excised. Light microscopically, the lesion consisted of an
oval, well-circumscribed, intradermal proliferation of tubules, which
were often dilated and lined by a double layer of tumor cells with co
nspicuous intraluminal papillations. Ultrastructurally, there was evid
ence of both intradermal eccrine duct and eccrine secretory coil diffe
rentiation. Although the majority of tumor cells resembled cells of th
e intradermal eccrine duct, occasional myoepithelial tumor cells and r
are tumor cells having secretory granules and resembling dark mucous c
ells were indicative of eccrine secretory coil differentiation. The po
sitive immunoshistochemical staining for S-100 protein, CEA, EMA, and
vimentin supported these ultrastructural findings.