In the U.S., acute pancreatitis is usually caused by excessive consump
tion of ethanol or by biliary stone disease. Major pathologic findings
and complications include fluid collections within the organ or the a
djacent peripancreatic tissues, pseudocysts, pancreatic necrosis, pseu
doaneurysm, and abscess formation. Radiologic imaging, including endos
copic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), sonography, and comp
uted tomography (CT), are important in the evaluation of acute pancrea
titis and its complications. CT in particular also aids in grading the
severity of acute pancreatitis and in predicting complications and mo
rtality; however, CT correlation with Ranson's clinical prognostic fac
tors or with other classification systems is less clear. The imaging a
nd therapeutic aspects of acute pancreatitis are discussed and illustr
ated and prognostic factors are correlated.