The production of new types of cement of greater fineness meant that t
he Otterbein cement and lime works in Grossenluder-Mus, Germany, had t
o increase the throughput of the existing cement grinding plant. The t
ask was to increase the existing grinding capacity by at least 30% by
capital investment in an extension. Based on, extensive theoretical an
d practical investigation a Scheme was worked out to implement the req
uired increase in throughput by using two ball mills operated independ
ently of one another. A patent was filed for this plant configuration,
which was named the Duo Ball Mill System. A description is given of t
he completed plant configuration and of the experience after a three-y
ear operating period, and information is also provided about the histo
rical development of two-stage Cement grinding in ball mills. The expe
rience with the Duo Ball Mill System has been entirely positive. The g
rinding operation is problem-free in every respect-including from the
standpoint of operational reliability. Increases in throughput of more
than 50%, depending on the product type, are being achieved and at th
e same time there is a saving in power.