The viscoelastic wave equation is an integro-differential equation tha
t requires special methods when using time-domain numerical finite-dif
ference methods. In the frequency domain, the integral terms are easil
y represented by complex valued elastic media properties. There are fu
rther significant advantages to using the frequency domain if the forw
ard or the inverse problem requires modeling or inverting a large numb
er of prestack source gathers. Numerical modeling is expensive for sei
smic data because of the large number of wavelengths typically separat
ing sources from receivers, which results in a need for a large number
of grid points. A major obstacle to using frequency-domain methods is
the consequent storage requirements. To reduce these, we maximize the
accuracy and simultaneously minimize the spatial extent of the numeri
cal operators. We achieve this by extending earlier published methods
introduced for the viscoacoustic case to the viscoelastic case. This r
equires the formulation of two new numerical operators: a differencing
operator in a rotated coordinate frame and a lumped mass term. The ne
w operators are combined with ordinary second-order, finite-difference
operators in an optimal manner to minimize numerical errors without i
ncreasing the size of the numerical operator. For a fixed number of gr
id points, the resulting second-order differencing scheme is no more e
xpensive than an ordinary second-order differencing scheme, but a nume
rical dispersion analysis shows that the number of grid points require
d per smallest wavelength is reduced from approximately 15 to approxim
ately 4. The new scheme is also capable of handling embedded fluid lay
ers without instability. We demonstrate that no further improvement in
performance can be achieved using higher order spatial operators beca
use of the associated computational overheads associated with the larg
er differencing operators. The new viscoelastic modeling scheme is use
d to study a crosshole data set in which the exact nature of the seism
ic coda is unclear. The results of the modeling study indicate this co
da is likely related to the generation of mode-converted shear waves w
ithin the complicated, finely layered sediments at the site.