In the past years many educational innovations have taken place in hig
her education. A central tendency in these innovations is to base curr
icula more on the educational needs of students. Student-centered educ
ation attempts to optimize the learning process of students, i.e. the
creation of a stimulating and active learning environment. A logical n
ext step in placing students at the centre of their education is invol
ving them in the quality control, organization and development of curr
icula. In current medical literature barely any attention is paid to s
tudent participation in educational organization. This article present
s an example of student involvement in the educational organization of
the Medical School at the University of Maastricht. Opportunities for
student participation in curriculum planning and organization are giv
en, including advantages and possible disadvantages of student involve
ment. Implications for faculties wishing to incorporate students in th
eir organization are discussed, as are action items for students wishi
ng to improve their input.