Adsorption behavior an GaAs(001)-(2 x 4)beta 2 and -c(4 x 4) surfaces
is systematically investigated by the calculation of migration potenti
als for Ga adatoms and Monte Carlo simulation. In the calculation proc
edure, we use an energy formalism based on the empirical interatomic p
otentials and the electron counting model in order to incorporate the
strain and electronic energy contributions. The calculated migration p
otentials for Ga adatoms imply that Ga adatoms preferentially reside i
n missing dimer sites on both (2 x 4)beta 2 and c(4 x 1) surfaces. On
the (2 x 4)beta 2 surface, lattice sites in the missing dimer row near
As-dimer kinks and B-type step edges are stable for Ga adatoms, where
as no preferential adsorption site is found near A-type step edges. Op
posite qualitative trends are found in the migration potentials near s
tep edges on the c(4 x 4) surface. The calculated results are consiste
nt with experimental results and are discussed in terms of atomic conf
igurations and the number of electrons remaining in Ga dangling bonds.
Based on the energy formalism, an electron counting Monte Carlo (ECMC
) simulation was performed to investigate the adsorption or desorption
sequences on GaAs(001)-(2 x 4)beta 2 and -c(4 x 4) surfaces in MBE gr
owth. The results imply that Ga adatoms impinging on the GaAs(001) sur
faces play an important role in the incorporation or desorption of As
to restore the electron counting model.