An analytical technique is developed for determining the three-dimensi
onal edge effect stresses around pin-loaded holes in symmetric laminat
ed composites. Based on the superposition principle of linear elastici
ty theory, the stress state around pin-loaded holes is divided into tw
o parts, one the in-plane stress state determined using the classical
laminated plate theory and the other the boundary-layer stress state a
rising from the edge effects that only exist in the vicinity of the ho
les. The equilibrium equations for boundary-layer stress state with ze
roth-order approximation are written based on a set of power series ex
pansions. A closed-form solution for the boundary-layer stress state w
ith zeroth-order approximation is then obtained by imposing stress fun
ctions on the variational principle of complementary energy. Numerical
results obtained using the present technique for cross-ply laminates
are in good agreement with those obtained using finite element methods