Presenting a weak stimulus just before a strong, startle stimulus redu
ces the amplitude of the ensuing startle response in humans and other
vertebrates. This phenomenon, termed ''prepulse inhibition'' (PPI), ap
pears to function to reduce distraction while processing sensory input
. To date, no detailed neural mechanism has been described for PPI. He
re we demonstrate PPI in the marine mollusk Tritonia diomedea, which h
as a nervous system highly suitable for cellular analyses. We found th
at a 100 msec vibrotactile prepulse prevented the animal's escape swim
response to a closely following 1 sec tail shock. This inhibition was
highly transient, with a significant effect lasting just 2.5 sec. The
se findings indicate that the Tritonia escape swim response undergoes
a form of PPI phenomenologically similar to that observed in vertebrat
es. Further tests showed that the vibrotactile stimulus had no inhibit
ory effect if applied after tail shock, while the animal was preparing
to swim, but it acted to terminate swims once they were actively unde
r way. As a first step toward a cellular analysis of PPI, we recorded
from neurons of the swim circuit in a semi-intact preparation and foun
d that the vibrotactile stimulus used in the behavioral experiments al
so prevented the tail shock-elicited swim motor program. These results
represent the first explicit demonstration of PPI in an invertebrate
and establish Tritonia as a model system for analyzing its physiologic
al basis.