The purpose of this study is to develop a precipitation physics packag
e for the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Regiona
l Spectral Model (RSM) designed to improve the skill of precipitation
forecasts. The package incorporates a prognostic grid-resolvable preci
pitation Scheme and a subgrid-scale precipitation parameterization sch
eme with a convective trigger that explicitly couples boundary layer a
nd convective precipitation processes. In this paper, the implementati
on of a prognostic cloud scheme for the NCEP RSM is described. A subgr
id-scale precipitation parameterization scheme was described in a comp
anion paper. Dynamical processes such as advection and diffusion proce
sses for liquid species are included. Eleven experiments are conducted
with a grid spacing of approximately 25 km for a heavy rain case over
the United States during 15-17 May 1995. Special attention is given t
o the setup of the prognostic grid-resolvable precipitation scheme on
a spectral grid as well as the importance of dynamical processes on a
mesoscale grid together with radiation feedback. Different prognostic
cloud schemes, classified according to the number of predicted liquid
species, are also compared.