Introduction and Objectives: A new score was developed using the preoperati
ve prostate specific antigen (PSA), the extension of cancer in the transrec
tal echoguided sextant biopsies and the pathologic grade (WHO) in the biops
y specimen to obtain a more accurate prediction of pathologic stage of pros
tate cancer.
Methods: 139 patients with prostate cancer underwent pelvic lymphadenectomy
. If negative lymph nodes were diagnosed at frozen sections, radical prosta
tectomy was done in the same session. 111 of 139 men underwent radical pros
tatectomy. The preoperative score was developed as follows: depending on th
e preoperative PSA value, between 0 and 5 points were given: 0 points for P
SA 0-2,5 ng/ml, 1 point for PSA > 2,5-5 ng/ml, 2 points for >5-10 ng/ml, 3
points for >10-20 ng/ml, 4 points for >20-50 ng/ml and 5 points for PSA abo
ve 50 ng/ml. The extent of tumor volume in each biopsy was measured as a pe
rcentage of the total biopsy core length and the percentage of the six biop
sies were added together. 0 to 5 points were given depending on percentage
of added tumor volume: 0 points for 0-25% total percentage of cancer in sex
biopsy cores, 1 point for >25-50%, 2 points for >50-100%, 3 points for >10
0-200%, 4 points for >200-400% and 5 points for >400%-600% total percentage
. Furthermore, one point was given for high, 3 points for intermediate and
5 points for low histologic grade in the biopsy specimen. The assigned poin
ts were then added together, and resulted in patients obtaining between at
least one and up to 15 points.
Results: 94 of 99 patients with less than a 10 point score (95%) had no lym
ph node metastasis, whereas 22 of 40 men (45%) with 10 or more points had l
ymph node positive prostatic carcinoma. 7 of 51 patients with less than 7 p
oints (14%) had capsular penetration of the tumor and 6 patients (12%) had
positive surgical margins. 52 of 60 patients (87%) with 7 or more points ha
d capsular penetration of the tumor or tumorpositive surgical margins. Conc
lusion: The introduction of this score to clinical use allows a more precis
e prediction of pathologic tumor stage by using three preoperatively determ
ined parameters united in one.